Been slacking on the ole blog. Once again school - my job seems to zap the life out of me! That's ok- it's all just very necessary as things have a way of falling into place.
So many things are changing~Parker for one is really growing up. He's working and finishing his senior year and doing a lot of mountain biking. He's saving his money for a new bike and is excited about it.
Husband and his work opened a new restaurant- a source of anxiety and problems! Me- I'm the same. I feel like I've never been a better teacher - but I'm really putting a lot of time into getting there. Been doing a lot of bike riding. That has become a small obsession. We did 2 long 65+ mile rides this year..a 25 mile ( which we raced the whole way) and on most weekends I've been doing a 25+ mile ride. We went snow skiing and I skied with ease. So much easier when you don't weigh a ton!!!! But my weight hasn't changed in a long time so last week I recommitted to WW. It's hard as food still continues to comfort me. Now it's just healthy food that does! But it's a journey and what else have I got to do. My goal for 2012 is to continue to think positively, use gratitude as my guide and enjoy all aspects of life!!!
After our 65 mile ride- we are holding metals. Look who is still the fattest. LOL