Today I asked hubby to go ride bikes. He's been wanting to ride the trail from Valero to where ever it ends. We started at 10 AM. I was worried it would be too hot. It was! Turns out there are 12 miles of trail that are finished. We ended up at Ingram Park Mall! Met a wino there ( he called himself that). Awesome.
But it was more than a ride for me. It was a challenge and I met it. I wanted to prove that I could ride and keep up with my husband who rides much more than I do. I think I did ok. Even he admitted it was hard. That made me feel good. It wasn't that hard, but it was hard. I could have gone much further if I had water and stopped. So I know I can do longer rides. I would have never thought 50 lbs ago I could ride 20 miles much less 24. Life is good when you take care of yourself. And I'm learning!