Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Back Again

 My Car Buddy Parker 
Well, it's almost a new year and that brings out the desire to start fresh, renew, and review. 2008 was an interesting year for so many reasons. For me it was a year of learning patience. I thought I had patience until I moved 15 miles outside the city.  At first it was hard because I was so impatient. I wanted to be home NOW. Thoughts of "At the other house I'd be home" "Why did we move?" "What was I thinking?" swirled in my head as I  stubbornly drove the long country road home. But after weeks of fighting it  I realized I can't change it or fix it- so I embraced it. I have my son with me and it dawned on me how much I looked forward to the drive to and from school with him. It's become a mini blessing. I hear so much about him, his day, his basketball practice, his teachers, his life. Things that otherwise might have been lost to me,  I get to hear about and comment on. WHO KNEW such a hard adjustment would turn into such an unexpected treat. 

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