Sunday, August 15, 2010

Gratitude Smatitude

Time for a gratitude photo essay!!! Thanks World!! 

My good friend who has stuck by me for a long time!!!!! Thanks Camille!! 
 Bubby of course :)

Parker is just awesome and makes my life fun fun fun!!! 

Parker doing skateboarding. Hasn't done it since 6th grade.@@@@ 
Still I'm grateful for him and all he can do. 
He's been watching too much TV. 
Wore out his perfectly good shoes. 
Laughing at himself. :) 

 Oh gosh....These two creatures are my babies too.
 Molly is my girl and Jack keeps me moving. 
Some divine universe intervention or just randomness made us pick
you both. I'm just glad we did. :)

 Flowers. Lots of flowers. 

OH the list could go on and on and on :) 

1 comment:

Genie @ Diet of 51 said...

You've got a lot to be grateful for!! Always love the kids and the dogs. So cute.

You look great in your photo. Gratitude becomes you.