Sunday, February 6, 2011


Today is Sunday. I'm on the computer reading blogs, drinking coffee and thinking about what I'm going to do with the last day off. All I seem to think about is my free time. What will I do with "MY" free time. I 
hate that.!!  I have never liked working regular hours, however when I was in my 20's working odd jobs I dreamed of regular hours. I'm never going to be satisfied I guess. So I need a mind change. I need to get back to my One Day at a Time mind set and just worry about the day and not the week ahead. With that said I think I should plan out today. Church? No..that's another story. 
I am going to walk this morning.  A Melva Walk. I'll go when Hubby takes Jack. Then I'll come home and clean up and get laundry sorted and started. I need to go to Target. After that....I am dying to go on the bike trails. I'll go if its warm. If not, the day is open. yee haw

1 comment:

Melissa B. said...

One Day at a Time was one of my favorite sitcoms, back when the world was very young. Figures.