Thursday, March 17, 2011

Spring Break!

I've really dropped the bucket with my picture a day and blog. Work got the best of me. It's draining to say the least- mentally that is. But it's spring break and I have a week off! I can find myself again which is always nice.

Parker is in Colorado with his cousin and her husband. He's having a good time. It's his first time away from us - where he's the one gone. He's doing ok and not homesick. I miss him, but it's been a nice break and a taste of how it will be when he is gone for good. I love hearing his stories of what happened that day. 

I hope he hasn't been a huge hassle for them. I guess we'll find out if any manners he's been taught have emerged! 

I am still on board with my weight loss! To date I've lost 45 lbs. I may have gained some back this week- Hubby and I over did the eating out this weekend. What was I thinking? I also have been doing boredom eating...that is the worst. I think I've got control over it now...and it's already Thursday! Ha I've really walked  and worked out and that is awesome. 

I've been walking 3-4 miles daily. With the time change I'm adding in bike riding. I plan to start doing push ups and sit-ups. Good old fashioned stuff that works. I also want to concentrate on eating at home more on the weekends. Eating out has gotten so routine. Time to find something else to entertain us!! 
If I want to loose these last 40 lbs I've really got to focus on healthy eating and beef up the exercise.

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