I like teaching, but I ...I ...I.....I love summer. I don't especially like the first two or three weeks where I'm still trying to figure out how to not work. I can't relax and don't know what to do with all the time. But about this time every summer, I slip into summer mode and things feel right. The one thing that feels right is my precious time with Parker.
Probably the best thing about this summer has been Parker. He turned 17!!!
And sometimes he even likes hanging out with us!!!
One thing that Parker likes is his friends.
Which means I get to hang out with his friends.
I like his friends. I think after teaching for so long, I'm more comfortable with kids than anyone else. I absorb their enthusiasm. I absorb their laughter. I wish I had their energy and lack of fear! I know the days I have with Parker are slowly ticking away. I will miss these days. My days will be filled with something else, but nothing will replace all the summers I get with my best kid. So while these days are melting away before me I am so conscious of how precious and amazing each and every day is and I'm so grateful for this time and life.