I have no idea what game Miss Mother Nature is playing on us, but I don't like it.
It's the damn acorns.
They keep coming and coming.
We sweep them up every two days and they just come back.
I mean, really. How many of these things does one tree need to produce?
Why? Why this year and not last?
We are having some very unwelcome nighttime visitors as a result.
The patio chair has what looks like cat hair? Really? We don't have cats.
We have two dogs that don't like cats.
Or was it a cat? Looked like cat hair.
Do rats shed? Gosh I hope not.
Do squirrels come out at night?
Whatever it is I wish I would go away.
All I hear when it's quiet is: Plunk....rooooolllllll or DINK...dink..... or capowwww......
And Jack...Jack likes to bring them in and then drop them and walk away.
Acorns suck.
Whoa! That's crazy! I've never seen anything like that before. Do acorns? I mean, can humans break into them and eat them? I know that squirrels love them.... : )
Well I hadn't thought about that..how about on a salad. LOL
Acorns are a pain! Thump, plink, plunk. Plus, they are slippery to walk on. Oooppps!!! Beware!
My last street was lined with old trees that dropped tons of acorns! They kept our grass from growing so my hubby actually raked the acorns from our lawn every week! Our new street has NO acorns..yippee!!
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