Monday, October 11, 2010

Weekend ReCap

Why do weekends go by so fast?
This weekend I~ 
1. Performed with our school's dance team at the halftime football game. It was really fun.
2. Drove with my son's school basketball team to two businesses to take pictures for the program book. 
3. Had fun taking their pictures. :) 
4. Got groceries. Did Laundry. Cleaned the house. 
5. Read all my magazines.
6. Caught up on TV shows.
7. Took three naps! 
8. Walked a total of 7.5 miles.
9. Shopped for baby gifts and a purse. Only got the baby gifts. 
10. Entered a butt load of grades into the computer for school. 

That's what I call a relaxing weekend. :) Happy Monday. 

They have a hard time being silly in front of parents. LOL 

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