Friday, November 23, 2012

Is It Too Late to Start Running?

Do you run?? I wanna run. I wanna go and go and go. That's what I love about biking. When I bike, the more effort I put into it, the more return I get. I feel running is that way. If I put more effort into it I can just keep going. I run a bit here and there, but nothing I can really couldn't as running. I have a fantasy that I could do a 5 k…then maybe a 10 K and eventually walk/ run a half marathon. Awkkkk   Two months ago I ran 1/2 mile and did something painful to my knee. I thought that I was done in the running department, but now that the pain is gone, maybe I can try again???? Maybe this time I can start slower. Help. I wanna run. I'll let you know how it goes. I'm gonna try.
 Walk/run/walk/run. Slow and steady.
I'm pretty sure this is how I'll look running. Yes, that was 40 lbs ago,
but I still have a big behind not to mention BB's. Ha Ha 

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

My momma cooking 
Today we celebrated with a traditional Thanksgiving meal. The only difference was it was just the three of us. We didn't spend it with any siblings. It was nice and quiet. Just what I wanted and needed. It's also the first time I cooked everything without the help of my mom or anyone else. I am thankful she write down her recipes for giblet gravy and dressing. I have never made gravy in my life, much less giblet. It was ok. My dressing was dry. I'll hopefully remember next time to add more broth. This picture is at my old house and also her last Thanksgiving.  I am feeling so melancholy today. The smells bring back memories. Even as I napped today I found myself waking up in a different time period..I was home. However I am so Thankful for all I have and all I have the ability to do. In this moment and on this day I'm so grateful and thankful for my life. 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Last Night

Juniors in high school. Where will they end up?? 

So Parker didn't go off to college after all. He decided at the last minute to stay home. I'm not sure if he really wasn't ready or if having a newly acquired girlfriend had anything to do with it. I suspect both. We have a great university, UTSA, within a couple of miles of our house and he has chosen to start there and end up in Austin at UT~ that's his current plan anyway. I'm happy knowing where he is and what he is doing.

But having a kid in college whether he is home or away is different. They come and go. He works and goes to school. Days go by and I barely see him- our schedules are so different.  It's good though. I don't have the same worries about grades I had in high school nor do I feel the need to monitor his comings and goings. He's figuring it out.

Last night his best friend from college, who did decide to go away, came by for a visit. Then another friend showed up. We plied them with questions and Parker got to hear what he was missing out on. But then they left to go eat. When they got home and hubby and I were tucked away in bed. I could hear them.  I  heard laughter and conversations. I head the stampede of feet going up and down stairs.  I heard the fridge open and shut. It felt like when they were little. It felt good. Like old times. I hope that never goes away. I hope at least for the next few years they can meet up and laugh and act like the little kids they used to be. Growing up and growing apart is natural, but it's nice to laugh and remember.