My momma cooking |
Today we celebrated with a traditional Thanksgiving meal. The only difference was it was just the three of us. We didn't spend it with any siblings. It was nice and quiet. Just what I wanted and needed. It's also the first time I cooked everything without the help of my mom or anyone else. I am thankful she write down her recipes for giblet gravy and dressing. I have never made gravy in my life, much less giblet. It was ok. My dressing was dry. I'll hopefully remember next time to add more broth. This picture is at my old house and also her last Thanksgiving. I am feeling so melancholy today. The smells bring back memories. Even as I napped today I found myself waking up in a different time period..I was home. However I am so Thankful for all I have and all I have the ability to do. In this moment and on this day I'm so grateful and thankful for my life.
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