1. Swim most days
2. Clean out my closet
3. Clean out the guest room closet
4. Clean out Parker's closet
5. Oh heck- clean out all our closets!
6. Take Jack and Molly to the dog park a few times
7. Walk Jack DAILY
8. Try Yoga
9. Eat healthier
10. Eat only until I'm full
11. Read 4 books
12. Nap Daily
13. Paint school shelves
14. Organize recipes and cookbook
15. Get a massage during the 5 day headache period
16. Take lots of pictures
17. Try a new walking trail
18. See a few movies
19. Keep the backyard free of weeds
20. Drink margaritas
21. Learn how to grill better
22. Try a new recipe or two weekly
23. Go through my mom's stuff :(
24. Get Parker to try new foods
25. Go to Dallas
26. Write more
27. Worry less
28. Keep moving
29. More girl nights
30. Listen more
New recipes! I always clip them out or bookmark them, and then? Never! It's like they sound SO good, and I read them and vow to make them, and then... I should've put this on my list too!
I aim for one or two new recipes a month, But I'm liking the new recipe a week. Might have to try that one.
I started the closet cleaning a couple months ago...and then stopped. I currently have three clean closets and one big closet jam packed with everything that was in the other three. That's progress...right?
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