Friday, September 10, 2010

Work Done Got Me Beat

I'm tired. Plain and simple. Mentally and physically. I wonder if I could make a list of the paperwork I have to do because for some reason I'm feeling particularly overwhelmed.

1. Inventory the items of value in my room(computer, printer,keyboard, monitor, overhead projector, screen, etc) and get online and type them in. (TINY NUMBERS and LOTS OF THEM)-tried to do it earlier..have to go find all these numbers.
2. PDAS Self Evaluation Online
3. Two separate Spec. Ed reports on two different students ( I've had them in class only three weeks)
4. Call parents of students who already have three absences. I called two, but have two to call- but they showed up today. Think I'll wait.
5. Fix student information book in binder to attach parents contacts left at Parent Night
6. Fill out the call log: Name, parents name, phone number or email, reason for call - this is to prove I actually call I guess. I don't like the call log as it takes so long to do. I wish I could just put the emails in a folder and let the person in charge see it. sigh
7. PLC (Professional Learning Community) Not only do we have to plan together, teach the same thing at the same time and the same way, we have to take notes at our meetings of what all we talked about. We meet weekly. We are required to stay 30 extra mintutes after school. But that is so unrealistic. I was at school until 6:00 working with a fellow teacher. Almost impossible to actively participate in conversation and take notes so it ends up getting done later.
8. Return parent emails from today- only one yey
9. Check the Dyslexia list of students -note students
10. Check the 504 list of students - read all the modifications now AWK
11. Progress reports go out this year if a has a 75 or below I must send a detailed report...need to figure out what that means. AWK
12. Grade SSR slips and record to computer...add two assignments for Eng. I
13. Grade essays of pre-ap students...then find Scantron and coordinate grade...enter to computer along with weeks work already graded. ( will take forever ) sigh
14. Make a list of parents to call- then call Monday
15. Create Lesson plans for next week for pre-ap
16. Do my own vocabulary assignment so I will have one to model
17. Do my own "precious piece" modeling assignment to teach objectivity/subjectivity

Phew...I think that's it. Enough. I've let it I can sleep!!!

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